Predict and Score

Our scoring system rewards accurate predictions and encourages precise forecasts. Here's how it works:

  • Exact Score Prediction:
    Correctly predicting the exact score: 3 points
  • Correct Outcome:
    Correctly predicting the winner or a draw: 2 points
  • Close Prediction:
    Being within 1 goal of the actual score: 1 point

Scoring Examples and Special Scenarios

  • Perfect Prediction:
    Exact score (3) + Correct outcome (2) + Close prediction (1) = 6 points
  • Close Prediction:
    Correct outcome (2) + Close prediction (1) = 3 points
  • Correct Outcome Only:
    Correct outcome = 2 points

Our system rewards accuracy! The closer your prediction is to the actual result, the more points you'll score. Aim for exact predictions to maximize your points.